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Welcome to RMWCA!

The Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association (RMWCA) is the regional chapter of the International Writing Centers Association for the states Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.  This regional network acts as a support and resource for administrators and tutors and gathers at the Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Conference to celebrate and learn from those who tutor writing.

About Us

The Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association provides support, encourages scholarship, and promotes community among writing center professionals working in educational settings. Our primary commitment is to serve writing tutoring programs in our region while inviting participation from colleagues nationally and internationally. We define writing centers broadly, acknowledging the intersections of writing, reading, and academic support in the various institutional settings in which this work occurs. The organization is organized exclusively for educational purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Association membership includes directors, staff, tutors, and those associated with writing tutoring programs at all levels of public and private education within all or parts of the states of Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming. Voting members include those who pay individual membership dues or representatives of members whose programs pay institutional dues.

Member Benefits

  • Access to robust travel and research grants
  • Seed money and grants for sub-regional conferences and gatherings
  • An annual webinar series led by experts in our region
  • Discounted registration for the RMWCA conference

As of July 1, 2018, membership rates EW

  • $100 for higher education writing centers*
  • $50 for high school writing centers*
  • $30 for individuals

*everyone associated with that writing center will be considered a member of RMWCA

Upcoming Events

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  • Tue, December 10, 2024 3:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    RMWCA Members, don't forget about the upcoming deadline for applications for research or travel grants or seed money from Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association (RMWCA). 

    A key goal of RMWCA is "to facilitate community and professional development among RMWCA members," and one of the ways we do that is by offering the twice-yearly opportunity for members to apply for research or travel grants. Grant amounts depend on out total available funding during each grant cycle but generally range from $200 to $400. 

    Travel grants may be used to offset costs for attending writing center conferences; we ask you to provide a travel budget for a specific conference and to describe your purpose and role in attending that conference. 

    Research grants may be used to offset costs for a specific writing center-related research project you are undertaking; the application form is the same as for travel grants and similarly asks you to provide a budget for your research, describe the project, and explain how potential funding will support your work. 

    All members of RMWCA are eligible to apply for the grants. The selection committee will consist of the RMWCA Executive Board, and there are two deadlines for the grants:  January 15 and September 1 of each year. Applications will be evaluated and funds will be dispersed based on the following criteria:

    • RMWCA membership
    • Financial need
    • Representation of an underrepresented demographic
    • Not having received funding within the previous year
    • Quality of application
    • Benefit for general membership (outcomes, inclusion, etc.)

    To apply for the grants or seed money go to  You will need to log in to your RMWCA account to access the page.

    The next deadline is January 15, 2025. 

    If you have any questions, please write to us a

  • Fri, December 06, 2024 5:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Chat and Chew: TutorCon Q&A

    Monday, December 09, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MST

    ZOOM (link provided at registration)

    Join RMWCA for a discussion and information session about TutorCon 2025!

    Come join us to talk about the conference and proposal process, ask questions, and be in community with your colleagues. 


  • Thu, December 05, 2024 5:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association TutorCon 2025

    Call for Proposals

    Deadline: January 21, 2025

    Theme: Tutors Too

    For TutorCon 2025, we invite you to share tutor perspectives that may sometimes get lost in the many moving pieces of writing center work. Creativity in conceptualizing, planning, and delivery is welcome. We encourage you to share your works-in-process or works in development, in a creative form or in terms of one or more of these categories: Individual presentations, Conference workshops, Workshop-in-a-Box or Training-in-a-Box , Roundtable discussions, & Tutoring Approaches Exchange

    See the complete CFP / Register:

    Submit your proposal using this Google form.  For more information, check out the proposal guidance page.

  • Wed, December 04, 2024 4:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association TutorCon 2025: Tutors Too

    February 28, 2025 – Virtual/Online

    Tutors are constantly inhabiting complex, liminal spaces as they address their own needs and writers’ needs, negotiate instructor expectations, and follow the direction of administrators. As such, listening to the voices of tutors from a variety of academic, cultural, and personal backgrounds and identities matters. We want to explore how tutors navigate these shifting responsibilities and shape their writing centers by amplifying their stories and voices. For TutorCon 2025, we invite you to share tutor perspectives that may sometimes get lost in the many moving pieces of writing center work.

    See CFP / Register:

  • Mon, October 28, 2024 12:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    re-posted from: NCPTW

    Juli Parrish, Director of the University of Denver (UD) Writing Center was awarded the 2024 Ron Maxwell Distinguished Leadership Award at the National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing in Tacoma, Washington on October 18. Parrish, who was unable to attend the conference, has directed the UD Writing Center scine 2015 and has a long history of engagement with NCPTW. The Maxwell Award selection committee (composed of former award recipients) recognized how her values around peer writing tutoring and collaborative learning extend throughout her work with NCPTW. Especially noteworthy has been her investment in mentoring peer tutors’ attendance and presentation at NCPTW and beyond. One nominator noted that she has “guided and mentored at least 70 undergraduate and graduate peer tutors to present at national and regional writing center conferences,” including NCPTW. This nominator went on to identify her impact on “countless undergraduate adn graduate consultants as they develop leadership positions within the writing center and beyond in their chosen professions.”

    Those who nominated her for this award described with admiration Dr. Parrish’s history of supporting and mentoring peer writing tutors across a number of contexts, including the peer observation model she and her staff implemented during the Pandemic, the collaboratively developed asynchronous feedback model that increased accessibility particularly for neurodivergent students, and her leadership roles with Center Moves and the Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association.

  • Wed, August 21, 2024 11:56 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Center Moves Editorial Team is thrilled to inform you that the second issue of Center Moves: A Peer-Reviewed Archive of Tutor Training Materials is live!

    This issue centered on two tutor training topics: how to support tutors with linguistic justice mindfulness and with tutoring citation formatting. Please check out our three fantastic submissions!

    The Center Moves Editorial Board would also like to thank our reviewers for this issue, Lori Jacobson, College of William and Mary; Jack Kenigsberg, Hunter College; John Bradley, Vanderbilt University; and Erik Echols, University of Washington, Bothell. Additional thanks to Jamaica Ritcher, University of Idaho, for being one of the founding editors of Center Moves and the submissions editor for this second issue. All of us on the board are sad to have her step away from Center Moves and wish her well on her future endeavors.

  • Tue, August 06, 2024 2:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Applications for a research or travel grants from the Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association are currently open. 

    The application deadline is August 15, 2024. All members of RMWCA are eligible to apply for the grants.

    To learn more, and to apply for the grants or seed money, go to You will need to log in to your RMWCA account to access the page.

    If you have any questions, please write to RMWCA President Heather Graham at

  • Thu, September 21, 2023 7:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Teaching English in the Two-Year College invites proposals for a special issue on writing centers in two-year colleges, guest-edited by Clint Gardner of Salt Lake Community College and Sarah Z. Johnson of Madison College.

    Nearly twenty years ago TYCA published its Position Statement on Two-Year College Writing Centers.  The position statement was a collaborative effort of writing center professionals who attended the Two-year College Writing Center Special Interest Group at the International Writing Centers Association Conference. It was later adopted as well by IWCA (International Writing Centers Association), the only position statement adopted jointly by both organizations. At the time, these guidelines were greatly anticipated, as many two-year college writing center administrators (who sometimes were simply English faculty who’d been told “go start a writing center”) recognized that two-year contexts presented a unique set of parameters and opportunities. The document held up well over the years, giving helpful advice to both experienced administrators and tutors, and presenting newcomers to the field a theoretical and practical framework to build their programs.

    However, the world has changed a lot in the intervening years—booms and busts in enrollment, various funding crises, and of course, a global pandemic. Through it all, writing centers remain essential to the success of many two-year writing programs and the students they serve. Yet the precarity remains as well.  

    As TYCA revises its Position Statement on Writing Centers in Two-Year Colleges to reflect this new-but-same reality, we invite proposals that explore the contexts and labor of two-year college writing centers. What insights do these programs bring to the field of writing center studies, and what perspective can they provide to all teachers of English in the first two years of college?

    Possible themes and topics of research include but are not limited to

    • Staffing structures
      o   What are the implications, advantages, and disadvantages of mixed-staffing models?
      o   Peer tutoring (making it more available and possible)
      o   Providing training and ongoing support for peer and/or professional tutors
      o   Embedded tutoring
    •  Peer tutor experience

    o   Nontraditional “peers”

    o   Writing Fellows in two-year colleges

    o   Inter-institutional transfer and peer tutors 

    • Labor issues

    o   Gendered nature of the field

    o   How are 2YC WCs administered?  What is their institutional location?

    •  How the WC is utilized in new models of basic writing
    •  History of community college writing centers
    • Demographic studies (of both users and staff)
    • Equity work of TYC writing centers (linguistic, racial, cultural, sexual and gender identity)
    • Impact of enrollment declines on 2YC WCs
    • Assessment, advocacy, and institutional recognition 

    We encourage proposers to share stories of both success and disappointment. Any writing center administrator can tell you stories of imposed reorganizations, budget cuts, and other disasters. We learn from it all, and though it isn’t as common in the literature, we invite colleagues to share the hard-won wisdom that comes from failure.

    Proposal Guidelines

    • Proposals should (a) be grounded in relevant theory and recent scholarship and (b) have a practical application for tutoring, teaching, tutor-training, or program design and administration.
       Proposals should include a works-cited list that illustrates the types of scholarship that the finished piece will draw from.
    • The audience for proposals and finished articles should be instructors and program administrators who teach English in the first two college years at institutions that serve a broad range of learners from diverse social, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds.
    • For full-length articles (~4000 words) proposals should be no more than 500 words long, not including the works-cited list.
    • TETYC has long published Instructional Notes and for this issue, we invite undergraduate peer and professional tutors to propose short pieces exploring evidence-based, research-situated discussions of innovative tutoring practices and approaches.

    Special Issue Timeline

     1. Authors should submit proposals to the TETYC Editorial Manager submission system by November 15, 2023. TETYC’s general submission guidelines are available here.

     2. Proposals will be selected in January 2024.

     3. Authors with accepted proposals must submit complete manuscripts to the TETYC Editorial Manager submission system by July 1, 2024.

     4. Authors will tentatively receive reviewer feedback by September 2024.

     5. Final manuscripts will be due to the TETYC Editorial Manager submission system by March 2025.

     6. Articles will be published in the December 2025 issue of TETYC.

    For questions, please contact

     Relevant Scholarship

    Aikens, K. (2019). "Prioritizing Antiracism in Writing Tutor Education." Johnson, K.G. & Roggenbuck, T. How We Teach Writing Tutors. Writing Lab News Letter.

    Azima, R., Hixson-Bowles, K., & Simpkins, N. (2022). “Starting from Square One”: Results from the Racial Climate Survey of Writing Center Professional Gatherings. The Writing Center Journal, 40(1), 5–26.

    Bennett, K. C. (2022). "Critiquing the Normative Discourse Circulated by Two-Year College Writing Center Websites through Critical Disability Studies and Technical and Professional Communication." Teaching English in the Two Year College, 49(3), 238-256.

    Blazer, S. & Fallon, B. (2020). "Changing Conditions for Multilingual Writers: Writing centers for Destabilizing Standard Language Ideology." [Special Issue: Promoting Social Justice for Multilingual Writers on College Campuses]. Composition Forum 44.

    Daniels, S., Babcock, R. D., & Daniels, D. (2015). “Writing Centers and Disability: Enabling Writers through an Inclusive Philosophy.” Praxis.

    Efthymiou, A. (2021)."What Else Do They Take with Them?(And What Do They Leave Behind?): Understanding Writing Center Conferences as Opportunities for Tutor Transfer." WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, 46(1-2), 10-18.

    Herzl-Betz, R. & Virrueta, H. (2022). "Perdiendo Mi Persona: Negotiating Language And Identity At The Conference Door." [Special Section: Undergraduate Research Experiences]. Pedagogy 22.1 [Special Issue: Undergraduate Research as a Future of English Studies], 169-172. 

    Missakian, I.L. (2015). Perceptions Of Writing Centers In The Community College:  Ways That Students, Tutors, And Instructors Concur And Diverge. (Doctor dissertation, University of California, Irvine). ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, 3717093.

    Munn, V.L. (2011). Moving Beyond Basic Skills In Community Colleges: The Beliefs And Practices Of Culturally Responsive Peer Mentors.  (Doctoral dissertation, University of California at Los Angeles).  ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, 3483186.

    Naydan, L.M. (2021). "What are You?: Rethinking Frames for Contingent Writing Center Work." Speaking Up, Speaking Out: Lived Experiences of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in Writing Studies (pp. 59-69).

    Pantoja, M.V. (2010) An Analysis Of Writing Tutoring Assessment In Four Community College Writing Centers. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona). ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, 3410759.

    Perdue, S. W., & Driscoll, D. L. (2017). "Context Matters: Centering Writing Center Administrators’ Institutional Status and Scholarly Identity." The Writing Center Journal, 36(1), 185–214.

    Sévère, R. (2019). "Black Male Bodies in the Center." Denny, H.; Mundy, R; Naydan, L.M.; Sévère, R. & Sicari, A. (Eds.), Out in the Center: Public Controversies and Private Struggles, Louisville, University Press of Colorado (pp. 43-50).

    Valentine, K. and Torres, M.F. (2011). "Diversity As Topography: The Benefits And Challenges Of Cross Racial Interaction In The Writing Center".  Writing Centers And The New Racism: A Call For Sustainable Dialogue And Change. Ed. by Greenfield, L. and Rowan, K.  USU Press. 192-210

    Valles, S.B., Babcock, R.D., & Jackson, K.K. (2017) “Writing Center Administrators and Diversity: A Survey.”  The Peer Review, 1.1. 

    Vick, N., et al. (2015) "The Effectiveness Of Tutoring On Developmental English Grades." Community College Enterprise, 21(1), 11-26.

    Wells, J. (2016). "Why We Resist 'Leading the Horse': Required Tutoring, RAD Research, and Our Writing Center Ideals." The Writing Center Journal, 35(2), 87–114.

  • Fri, May 08, 2020 9:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association is pleased to announce that its members have selected Theories and Methods of Writing Center Studies: A Practical Guide edited by Jo Mackiewicz and Rebecca Day Babcock.  Members and other insterested parties will be gathering online throughout the summer to discuss the book.  Mackiewicz and Babcock have agreed to join the final session.  See our Events page for more information.

  • Wed, September 25, 2019 8:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The International Writing Centers Association announced on September 24, 2019 the candidates selected to fill posts on the IWCA board.  Among those selected were RMWCA members Elizabeth Kleinfeld and Eduardo Mabilog.  Elizabeth currently serves as RMWCA Treasurer, and Eduardo is a peer consultant at Nevada State College.  Congratulations to Elizabeth and Eduardo!

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